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December 3, 2020 SEPAG Meeting

birds eye view of desk with laptop, hands writing notes, a coffee cup and eyeglasses
Minutes taken by Lisa Walter

Virtual Meeting began at 7:00 pm

  • Review of procedures and ground rules

  • Self-introductions of all in attendance

Approximately 12 in attendance.

1) Jess Wilson gave the following summary of the meeting she and Danielle Mack had with Jessica Abramovich, direction of Student Services:

  • Ms. Abramovich emphasized that parents should use the proper chain of command, contacting teachers and case managers before contacting the Superintendent or Director of Student Services

  • Ms. Abramovich is interested in providing information/presentations for parents through the SEPAG

  • She suggested that we meet with her, Alyna Jacob (director of elementary education), and Kaitlin Jones (assistant superintendent), in January to answer questions (send questions beforehand)

2) Our committee decided (pre-pandemic) to choose a focus topic for the year and form cohorts to explore these topics. This year’s topic is dyslexia. 3) Jess Wilson shared the following resources:

  • NJ Performcare:

  • SEPAG Facebook link:

  • Arc of Essex County:

  • West Caldwell Parents for a Better Education:

Suggestions/topics for January meeting/questions:

  • consistency in scheduling when switching back and forth from in-person/virtual

  • how to address issues with case manager (communication issues)

Topics for future meetings/speakers:

  • 504 vs. IEP


Meeting adjourned 8:55 pm Next meeting: January 7, 2021



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