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December 5, 2019 Meeting

birds eye view of desk with laptop, hands writing notes, a coffee cup and eyeglasses
Minutes taken by Chris Elko

James Caldwell High School Library 7:00-8:30

Part One: Parents Only The meeting began with a review of meeting procedures and the need for confidentiality within our group.

  • It is important to stick to our agenda, but also give people time to bring up concerns and questions

  1. Meeting dates:

    1. For planning/consistency purposes, meeting will be held the first Thursday of the month

    2. The first half of the meeting will be for parents only

    3. Second half of the meeting, we will be joined by the Director of Student Services (Jessica Abramovich)

  2. Expanding our membership:

    1. Thanks to Danielle Mack for our new Facebook page

    2. Find someone from each school in the district to be a liaison with that school

      1. Washington: Lisa Walter

      2. Lincoln: Coe-ellen Ventura (possibly)

      3. Wilson: Lorraine Caputo

      4. Jefferson: OPEN

      5. Grover Cleveland: Julianne Grosso

      6. JCHS: Julianne Grosso

      7. Harrison: Danielle Mack

    3. Get the word out to join the Facebook page which will provide information for our local SEPAG

    4. For those not on Facebook, join the CWC SEPAG mailing list (for email)

Part Two: Joined by Jessica Abramovich and Krista Grinkin

  • Reviewed the history of the formation of the SEPAG

  • Reviewed ideas for expanding membership through HSA, Facebook, etc.

  • Ms. Abramovich will look into the possibility of establishing a district email for the SEPAG

  • Discussed upcoming äudit/analysis of Special Services

  • Will be led by Suzy Wright in the role of a consultant; working out details of timeline, etc.

  • Members brought up the necessity of parent involvement and input in the process

  • Some members expressed concerns regarding the analysis procedures

  • Members asked for information regarding a budget for SEPAG events/speakers; some members suggested grants and other funding options

  • Ms. Abramovich reported that Student Services has received an Education Foundation Grant for sensory hallways in each elementary school


Meeting adjourned at approximately 8:45



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