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January 8, 2020 Meeting

birds eye view of desk with laptop, hands writing notes, a coffee cup and eyeglasses
Minutes taken by Lisa Walter

James Caldwell High School Library

7:00-8:30 pm


The meeting began at 7:00 pm with a review of ground rules, including:

  • Participate fully through listening with full attention or speaking in turn, and no side conversations or phones

  • Conversations remain confidential within our group, especially those regarding specific situations/students

All attendees introduced themselves We reviewed the SEPAG mission for new attendees



Response to concerns from last month’s meeting:

(1) Dr. Heinegg’s message that the results of the special education department analysis will be shared with the public was reported to the group. Results of the analysis should be available mid-January.

After the December meeting, the SEPAG had requested a meeting with Ms. Wright to share feedback, concerns:

  • The district chose not to hold this meeting but invited any SEPAG members to submit their comments and concerns via e-mail;

  • A small contingency met to create a concise document to send to the analysis personnel as well as the board of education;

  • Dr. Heinegg and Ms. Wright acknowledged receipt of this document.

Members of the committee voiced concerns about the analysis, specifically regarding the following:

  • What protocols are being used for the analysis?

  • Will violations be listed in the public document?

  • What quality controls or safeguards are in place or will be put in place?

  • Has the district been in non-compliance regarding any services?

(2) At this point in the meeting, discussion shifted to staffing; specifically, What training is given to aides? Some parents also shared that they would like to be informed of the names of aides who work with their child as well as be informed regarding their level of training.

(3) Discussion regarding CPI certification (Crisis Prevention Intervention)



February 11, 2020 | 7:00-8:30: The SEPAG is sponsoring a County Workshop: “Basic Rights in Special Education” presented by SPAN Parent Advocacy Network. The location is still being figured out and will be announced once it is assigned to us. Jessica Wilson is coordinating this event with SPAN.



(1) HIB (Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying) reporting:

  • Information about HIB staff representatives, reporting timelines, and other important information will be posted on the SEPAG web page.

* Note: Since the publishing of these minutes, the HIB information has been updated on the district website: Contacts per school are clearly listed for anyone needing to report an incident.


Possible topics to discuss next month:

  • Progress report notification. Specifically: Can there be a protocol put in place to notify parents when IEP goal progress reporting is available?

  • Inclusion of all students in extracurricular events and programs. There is a need to inform event/program organizers of contact information for all students who wish to be included.

  • SEPAG/School liaisons. Remind 5th grade promotion chair people to include all students (in and out of district); at least contact parents to ask if they want to be included in events/communications.

The meeting ended at 8:30 with a discussion of the need to create a long term plan/timeline to address our concerns.

Some parents stayed on for support and conversation. The meeting adjourned at approximately 8:45.



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