Zoom meeting: 8:00 pm 7 in attendance Topics discussed included the following:
Remote learning:
Concerns regarding content management through learning platforms (SeeSaw, Flipgrid)
SEPAG Liaisons will meet with J Abramovich regarding concerns and possibly sending a questionnaire to Special Ed/504 parents to elicit information regarding challenges during March-June as well as concerns moving forward with remote learning in some capacity during the 2020-2021 school year.
Communications with Special Education Director: concerns regarding delayed responses to questions/concerns sent by various members
OPRA request (Open Public Records Act) SEPAG drafting a request for OPRA information regarding expenditures over last five years for legal fees pertaining to Special Education
Specifically, under what terms is the legal reserve used?
How much of the legal reserve has been used?
Special Education self-analysis results: link shared for the results of this self-analysis; everyone is encouraged to read and comment by July 31st; Danielle will read over results and summarize to share with J Abramovich.
Discussed broadening the reach of the SEPAG using additional social media platforms (ie Facebook, Twitter, etc.)
Discussed the need for a dedicated representation of the SEPAG at all HSA meetings during the next school year
Meeting adjourned: 9:20 pm Next meeting: Later this summer, date/time TBD