James Caldwell High School Library ========================== Meeting began at 7:00 pm Approximately 6 in attendance
Review of procedures and ground rules
Self-introductions of all in attendance
Chris and Danielle, our SEPAG liaisons with Ms. Abramovich, have a meeting scheduled for March 9th. Topics to discuss include the following:
Aides: broad discussion regarding training, hiring, expectations, etc.
Analysis results
Inclusion of out of district students in school activities
BCBAs: broad discussion to gain understanding/information including how many are currently working in district, how involved are they…what are their specific responsibilities/duties
HIB: special education students are at increased risk
What is the protocol for HIB situations involving special education students?
details regarding inclusion classes at all elementary schools
Meeting discussion included the following topics:
Best Buddies program: trying to find out information to begin a pilot program at Washington School. Some difficulties in contacting/corresponding with Best Buddies contacts
Lock down procedures:
assisting/accommodating students with special needs
Individualized Emergency Lockdown Plan
Include specified procedures/plans for lockdowns/firedrills in IEPs
“Crisis binder/kit”: include squeeze ball, etc. include needs specified in 504 plan
SEPAG: send new members a link to the powerpoint from SPAN Basic Rights presentation
504 information should be added to web site
Action item:
Look over special ed page on district web site
Include resources including the following:
Office of Civil Rights (www2.ed.gov)
Meeting adjourned: approx. 8:30