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March 6, 2020 Meeting

birds eye view of desk with laptop, hands writing notes, a coffee cup and eyeglasses
Minutes taken by Lisa Walter

James Caldwell High School Library ========================== Meeting began at 7:00 pm Approximately 6 in attendance

  1. Review of procedures and ground rules

  2. Self-introductions of all in attendance

  3. Chris and Danielle, our SEPAG liaisons with Ms. Abramovich, have a meeting scheduled for March 9th. Topics to discuss include the following:

    • Aides: broad discussion regarding training, hiring, expectations, etc.

    • Analysis results

    • Inclusion of out of district students in school activities

    • BCBAs: broad discussion to gain understanding/information including how many are currently working in district, how involved are they…what are their specific responsibilities/duties

    • HIB: special education students are at increased risk

    • What is the protocol for HIB situations involving special education students?

      • details regarding inclusion classes at all elementary schools

Meeting discussion included the following topics:

  • Best Buddies program: trying to find out information to begin a pilot program at Washington School. Some difficulties in contacting/corresponding with Best Buddies contacts

  • Lock down procedures:

    • assisting/accommodating students with special needs

    • Individualized Emergency Lockdown Plan

      • Include specified procedures/plans for lockdowns/firedrills in IEPs

    • “Crisis binder/kit”: include squeeze ball, etc. include needs specified in 504 plan

  • SEPAG: send new members a link to the powerpoint from SPAN Basic Rights presentation

  • 504 information should be added to web site

  • Action item:

    • Look over special ed page on district web site

    • Include resources including the following:


      • Office of Civil Rights (



Meeting adjourned: approx. 8:30



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