Concerns regarding paraprofessionals/aides leaving students unattended, being assigned duties/responsibilities that take them away from their assigned student (such as running a station at Field Day)
What training do these aides receive? Are they required to read/sign-off on the student’s IEP?
Who do they report to? How can parents meet their child’s aid? (Open House?)
What type(s) of ongoing training are available to staff members regarding students with IEPs and related issues (OT, ABA related , etc.)
Education Foundation Grants – Get the word out that these are readily available for teachers – perhaps to acquire alternative seating options, etc.
IEP software – Is it outdated? Is there something available that might be more reader friendly and individualized for students (not just generic drop down menu items)
Is there a need for updating, but funds are an issue? Is this something we could organize a fundraiser for?
Meeting at Panera – could be a FERPA violation; perhaps it would be better to meet at the HS; also, we discussed having our meetings from 7-8:30 but would it be possible for a district representative to be present for part of the meeting? We discussed having them attend for the last half hour; personally speaking, I think that might be a bit presumptuous to ask a staff member to wait around until 8:00, so it might be more feasible for them to attend the first half hour?
Clarification of what happens (chain of command, I guess) with our concerns?
Emily B. received a $1,000.00 grant from the Kiwanis Club to spruce up the Harrison Learning Garden; she is looking for a Scout troop or other group that might want to take this on as an ongoing project (fall cleanup/spring cleanup and planting, etc.) Emily already has several contacts in place to supply plants, etc. but would like someone to coordinate the project; she has some great ideas for sensory activities/features that could be included as well.
Lisa will attend the next Washington Home and School meeting to promote the SEPAG.