BOTH In-District and Out-of-District Families Should Attend the Next SEPAG Meeting

Dear CWC Special Education Families,
You may be aware of a collection of surveys being sent out by the district for the Strategic Planning initiative being undertaken by a committee of parents, parent groups, and school groups in collaboration with the CWC district.
As the Lead Facilitator of the SEPAG and as the parent of a student who attends school OOD, I have requested that all OOD families be included in the survey process. Furthermore, parents with students in in-district placements may not feel represented by the survey choices that were sent around.
Regardless of where our children attend school, we are members of the community and our voices should be heard along with all the other families in town. The district agrees and has given us the opportunity to collectively voice our concerns and opinions to be added to the Stakeholder Perspectives folder that is being assembled by the group contracted to facilitate the strategic planning effort.
At the next Special Education Parents Advisory Group (SEPAG) meeting, Thursday, June 3, 7:00-8:30, we will put together a summary with YOUR input regarding students in special education at CWC and OOD. Some of the questions include:
What has gone well?
What have been the most significant challenges?
What are your hopes for the short- and long-term future?
Other questions, concerns, or ideas that come up will also be added, so feel free to raise issues that can be included in the summary that I will pass along to Dr. Heinegg.
The SEPAG represents in-district and out-of-district students and their families equally. I’m asking for anyone who is free to please attend the next meeting, Thursday, June 3, 7:00-8:30, so we can have a good and fair representation of ALL our special education families. If you have any questions, contact me at To connect to the meeting on June 3, link to the calendar on our website and find all the Zoom information there:
Be sure to sign up for messages about upcoming meetings, special events, resources, and more.
And check out our FB groups:
Private CWC SEPAG group:
Public general support group: